Following is an attempted translation of a letter from Dr. Safar al-Hawali originally sent to the people of Sunnah in Yemen, and then later generalized to be addressed to the whole Muslim Ummah.

المـزيــد ...

The final, difficult question remains to be answered: when will the Day of Wrath come? 

المـزيــد ...

How will the Day of Allah’s Wrath come, and how will the punishment befall Israel, the state of abomination, oppression and enmity? 

المـزيــد ...

Zionists –Jewish and Christian- believe that the gathering of the remnant of Israel in the land of Palestine, is the fulfillment of God’s promise of reconciliation between Him and His chosen people.

المـزيــد ...

If the discussing the criminal characteristics and behavior of the Jews is anti-Semitic, as the Zionists claim, then the most anti-Semitic book on earth is the Bible itself.

المـزيــد ...

The abomination of desolation is a very important Biblical term. It is quite clear, but the Christians have, as usual, surrounded it with a ring of obscurity concerning the term and its interpretation.

المـزيــد ...

It was in this atmosphere of gloom and persecution that the Jews and Christians awaited the Fifth Kingdom with utmost patience.

المـزيــد ...

Daniel is one of the prophets of Israel. His book is distinguished from most of the other books of the Bibles by several attributes, although it shares with them

المـزيــد ...

The reader of the Bible, especially the books of the prophets of the Babylonian captivity and the period thereafter, clearly discovers that they contain prophecies

المـزيــد ...

The future of Jerusalem is the greatest problem of the most dangerous conflict in the world. This is agreed upon among politicians, observers and researchers of the world.

المـزيــد ...

Jews are Jews since the worshippers of the golden calf who desired a god like the gods of the pagans, breakers of the covenant of Allah at every opportunity

المـزيــد ...

When the Zionist forces fired on the Muslim crowds in the precincts of the Aqsa, it was a proclamation of the coup de grace of the peace process, that miscarriage

المـزيــد ...

America, as Edward Said says, is more occupied with religion than any other nation, and in America there is a totally mad fundamentalist current that seeks to hasten the second-coming of Christ

المـزيــد ...

The future is known only to Allah, but in His infinite wisdom, He allows some of His servants to see some future events. The greatest means of seeing the future is through revelation

المـزيــد ...

The contents of this booklet are glad tidings to the oppressed people of the occupied territories particularly, and to all Muslims in general.

المـزيــد ...

I am writing this letter to you in hope that it will be taken into account without regard to the faith of its writer, or the color of his skin, and despite your new

المـزيــد ...

There is nothing worse than violating moral values such as freedom and peace, except that the elite group which has chosen itself 

المـزيــد ...

When the Zionist forces fired on the Muslim crowds in the precincts of the Aqsa, it was a proclamation of the coup de grace of the peace process

المـزيــد ...